The ZEn OF SeCuriTy

Read Write Pwn

Mutual attestation of intel sgx

Intro A decade ago, The cambrian explosion of secure enclaves spawned a hot research direction in the field of computer security, or to be more specific, applied crpyto and clound computing. The m...

PSI Prime

PSI also known as private set intersection, is a special problem in secure computation that allows two parties with distrust respectively holding two private sets to compute their intersection, as ...

Confusing Concepts in MPC

some key words used in MPC protocols

Some Unfriendly Terms It’s pretty clear that in recent years TOP Crypto and Security conferences have accepted many papers in discussing a variety of topics of multi-party computation. For someone...

Security Summary of the Zoom

zoom was a minority commercial video meeting software until COVID-19 has became worldwide pandemic. Employees from a variety of companies have been working from home for the last couple of months. ...


SGX Intel的SGX是实现在第六代CPU之后的一组扩展指令集。SGX着眼于提供一个为用户应用程序提供可信的执行环境,为了达到这一目标,SGX使得应用程序在一段位于Enclave地址空间中能够开辟一段受保护的内存空间。这段受保护空间实行严格的访问控制和加密操作来提供对程序数据机密性和代码完整性的保护,使得即使是Hypervisor、BIOS,操作系统等特权应用都不能随意访问这段地址空间。...


Tor 基于洋葱路由的第三代系统Tor,是如今广泛用在基于TCP应用(网页浏览,SSH,即时消息应用)、流量隔离与隐藏服务中的匿名系统。Tor网络由接近12000个路由节点组成,它们被划分和组织在不同的层次上。基于由网络赋予的不同信任度(特别是在线时长和是否通过Tor基金会的验证),路由节点在系统中扮演不同的角色,如中继服务,目录服务,会和节点等。 Tor是基于电路的分布式可信网络,大多...